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Doge Ville

Dogecoin as currency, Dogemap as property deed. First Dogecoin chain metaverse space.

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Introducing Doge ville

Welcome to the Doge Ville Metaverse, an immersive virtual world where the charm and history of Venice come to life in a digital landscape. Our game offers an array of exciting activities, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience for every player. With the unique opportunity to design your character and own properties tied to our innovative Dogemap system, Doge Ville is not just a game - it's a thriving community where creativity, strategy, and social interaction converge. Discover more and join the adventure at the Doge Ville website.

In Doge Ville, Dogecoin is utilized as the in-game currency, enabling a peer-to-peer economy. This approach allows players to engage in direct transactions with each other, enhancing the sense of community and interaction within the game. The use of Dogecoin not only adds a layer of realism to the in-game economic system but also aligns with the innovative and modern nature of the Metaverse experience that Doge Ville offers. For more information, visit the Doge Ville docs.

Doge Ville introduces an innovative approach to property ownership through the Dogemap system. This unique concept ties property rights in the game to the ownership of Dogemaps, offering a novel and secure way of managing virtual real estate within the Metaverse. This system not only enhances the gaming experience but also adds a layer of authenticity and investment potential for players. For more details, you can explore the Doge Ville docs.

Fully customizable characters

In Doge Ville, players have the exciting opportunity to express their creativity through an extensive character customization feature. Before diving into the game, you can utilize the pre-game creator function to design your character in a way that truly represents your personal style and vision. This feature enhances the immersive experience, allowing you to bring your unique flair to the vibrant world of Doge Ville.For more details, you can visit the Doge Ville Docs tab.

Venice as our playground

The map of Doge Ville's Metaverse is uniquely modeled after the iconic city of Venice. This innovative design approach includes many areas that are replicated on a 1:1 scale with the actual city, offering players an immersive and realistic experience. As you explore Doge Ville, you'll encounter familiar Venetian landmarks and settings, allowing you to experience the charm and historical beauty of Venice within the digital realm of the Metaverse.

Vibrant and bustling city

In Doge Ville, we're dedicated to ensuring that the game is engaging and entertaining. Our goal is to create a wide array of activities within the game to keep it exciting and enjoyable for all players. This diversity in gameplay options means there's always something new to explore and experience, ensuring that the game remains dynamic and far from boring. Players can look forward to a rich and varied gaming experience in Doge Ville.

Doge Ville introduces a revolutionary virtual real estate system using Dogemaps as proof of ownership. These digital representations, like real-world deeds, are linked to your wallet and verified on the blockchain, ensuring security and transparency. Our dynamic marketplace allows players to buy and sell properties, transferring Dogemaps to reflect ownership changes. This decentralized system encourages investment, development, and economic activities within our immersive metaverse, offering an authentic property management experience backed by blockchain technology.

Innovative property allocation mechanism, intertwining the thrill of NFTs with immersive gameplay. Players start by acquiring a Character NFT, their passport to property ownership in this vibrant metaverse. Crucially, the ownership and attractiveness of properties are tied to Dogemaps - unique NFTs linked to the players' Character NFTs. The inscription number on your Dogemap determines property desirability, with lower numbers granting access to more exclusive locations. Post-allocation, players enjoy complete freedom in property trading, fostering a dynamic real estate market influenced by the game's evolving economy

To find out more check ours Docs tab.

Get ready for Doge Ville

Character NFT - Upon the launch of our game holders of DGMV will receive a character NFT, this NFT will grant you access to our in-game character creator, allowing you to design your own unique character. Additionally, owning this NFT along with a Dogemap in your wallet entitles you to a property allocation within the vibrant Doge Ville metaverse. To discover more, please visit our Documentation.

Item NFT - Upon the launch of our game you will receive Item NFT. The rarity of the item will depend on the amount of DGMV DRC20 token held in your wallet. This could range from something as luxurious as a super yacht to a more modest yet practical item like a bicycle. The exciting reveal of these items will take place prior to the game's official launch.


Tomasz Kruk, a Jagiellonian University graduate, stands out in the tech world with his expertise in blockchain and app development. Specializing in backend coding, he combines innovative approaches with robust technology solutions. Tomasz's journey from the prestigious Kraków university to a blockchain and app development expert highlights his commitment to evolving digital landscapes and technological innovation.

Jacek Turek, an alumnus of Jagiellonian University, is distinguished in the field of discrete mathematics. His academic background in mathematics has led to significant contributions and expertise in this intricate area, demonstrating his analytical skills and innovative approach. Jacek's journey from Kraków's esteemed university to a discrete mathematics expert showcases his dedication to mathematical advancement.

Bartosz Wojciechowski, a graduate of Warsaw University of Technology in Graphic Design, has carved a niche for himself in the world of Unreal Engine design. His academic background provided a strong foundation in graphic design, which he skillfully blended with his expertise in Unreal Engine, a leading tool in 3D modeling and game design. Bartosz's proficiency in this dynamic software showcases his ability to create immersive, visually stunning designs. His transition from Warsaw's prestigious university to a seasoned Unreal Engine designer underlines his commitment to pushing the boundaries of graphic design and digital art.

Przemysław Zduński, with over six years of freelance graphic design experience, specializes in 3D modeling, a passion that has captivated him since his early teens. His expertise in Unreal Engine, a cornerstone in the realm of 3D graphics and game design, sets him apart in the industry. Przemysław's deep-rooted interest in 3D modeling has evolved into a professional mastery, reflecting his dedication and skill in bringing complex designs to life. His journey from a passionate teenager to an expert in Unreal Engine and 3D modeling illustrates his commitment to continuous learning and excellence in the field of graphic design.

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